Submit your work now for inclusion in Photonics West 2022 “Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications IV”

Today, the Physics & Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science building at UNM, where PI Sheik-Bahae’s labs are located, has officially been opened in an online ceremony. If you watch the virtual tour or ribbon-cutting ceremony videos carefully, you can see several short appearances of Sheik-Bahae’s labs, students, and postdocs.
PAIS building at UNM officially opens

Submissions are now open for next year’s Photonics West: Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications III conference, find all the details here:
Photonics West 2021: Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications III

The website of the New Mexico Consortium is currently featuring our work on ultra-pure crystal growth for laser cooling and radiation balanced lasers:
New Mexico Consortium features laser cooling research

Laser Cooling: Thulium-doped fluoride crystals offer potential for mid-IR optical cryocooling
Laser Focus World: Thulium-doped fluoride crystals offer potential for mid-IR ...

UNM researchers have built an optical cryocooler with no moving parts that cools to -216.67°F.